Slow Carb Diet Question: Muffins, Cocoa, Peanut Butter…

Cindy was nice enough to drop us a line:

the only recipe that tim gave was on dr. oz and it was the coffee cup muffin using flax seed. i didn’t see this recipe on the site. also I am looking for recipe for sweet cravings. some sites have them with cocoa powder. are we alowed cocoa powder?

thank you

p/s i felt the book was to vague on what was alowed or not. such as plain natural peanut butter, yogurt (greek non fat plain) and nuts. can you help me out with this?

Very good questions! So to take them in order:

  • Do you have the coffee cup muffin with flax seed recipe from the Dr. Oz show?
    I was able to track down the muffin recipe on iSave A2Z – thanks to Jennifer!
  • Is cocoa powder OK on the slow carb diet?
    I haven’t been able to find a specific Timothy Ferriss “A-OK” on cocoa, but he’s written up a couple recipes and suggested some snacks that use unsweetened cocoa, so I think it’s fairly safe to assume cocoa is OK on the slow carb diet. Just make sure that it is unsweeted and at least 80% pure.
  • Is plain natural peanut butter allowed on the 4 hour body diet?
    This is a documented “yes” as long as it’s unsweetened and has pretty much no other ingredients except peanuts. Tim warns us to be careful, though, that it’s really easy to go overboard with peanut butter and nuts in general, so eat it sparingly. He advocated no more than one tablespoon in a day (and not a gargantuan, totally-overloaded tablespoon either 😀 ) .
  • Is yogurt allowed on the slow carb diet?
    Nope – all dairy is off the table. No milk, no cheese, no yogurt. Save for your cheat day 🙂
  • What about nuts?
    Same situation as peanut butter: it’s allowed, but it’s really easy to go overboard with them, so Tim advises not to snack with them. If you are going to, rule of thumb is to not eat more than a small handful in a day.
  • Do you have some sweet recipes?
    My best recommendations dealing with sweets can be found on my slow carb sweet cravings post. But I will start looking for some sweet recipes that you might be able to pull off during the week — keep an eye out on the site!

Thanks much, Cindy! And keep your 4 Hour Body diet questions coming!

Photo by Greatist

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7 Responses to Slow Carb Diet Question: Muffins, Cocoa, Peanut Butter…

  1. Pablo

    Howdy, the book specifically mentions unsweetened plain yogurt as a good way to foment a positive stomach flora. In a section called: Inside the Microbiome: Balancing bacteria for fat-loss.  I have the e-book, so i’m not sure which page it would be on in the print book.

  2. Nishim7

    Can we eat blueberries or raspberries, as these has very low glycemic valu

  3. Jennifer Garza

    Thanks so much for linking to my Muffin in a Cup recipe! You have an awesome site and I’m glad I found you!

  4. manuela

    is sugar free choc chips ok???

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